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Google Environmental Report

Google believe that technology can be used to help address the biggest issues facing humanity - climate change.

Sustainability has been a core value since Google’s founding, and they strive to build sustainability into everything that they do.

In 2018, Google achieved twelve consecutive years of carbon neutrality and, for the second year in a row, matched 100% of the electricity consumption of our global operations with renewable energy. 

Read Google's latest environmental report to see how they are exploring the role of artificial intelligence in helping them to achieve even greater energy efficiency gains and how they're prioritising the use of healthy materials with safe chemistry across built spaces.

FRONT COVER - Google Environmental Report 2019

Explore Google's Environmental report to see what energy-saving initiatives are behind their sustainable approach, including:

Designing efficient data centres

Advancing carbon-free energy

Creating sustainable workplaces

Building better devices and services

Empowering users with technology

Google’s renewable energy purchasing contracts have led to nearly $5 billion in new capital investment in renewable energy projects around the world

Google's goal is to maximise the reuse of finite resources across all of their operations, products, and supply chains and enable others to do the same.

Google believes that global businesses should lead the way in improving people’s lives, while reducing or even eliminating our dependence on raw materials and fossil fuels.


Frequently Asked Questions

Rest assured, we will always keep your information safe.

We ask for your information in exchange for sending you a valuable resource.  This will help us improve your browsing experience and send you information that’s relevant to you.   You can read more about our privacy policy here.


Technology changes at pace so it’s hard to keep up to date.  By sharing some free knowledge and best practice, we hope to help you make the right decisions for your business. Keep us in mind next time you have questions on Google Cloud!

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