This month sees a useful feature of Gmail mobile that’s now available on the web, as well as a useful update to Google Tasks. There are also notable updates across Google Workspace in Hangouts Meet, Google+ and Team Drive.
GmailIf you use Gmail on your mobile device, you’ll be used to your text being completed for you as you type. Gmail on the web now offers the same functionality with a feature called Smart Compose. This feature scans the content of your messages and suggests phrases and words as you type, based on common sentences and text that you type yourself in other messages.
Watch our how-to video to find out more about Smart Compose:
Google Tasks and Calendar
You can now add a date to a task in your Google Task list to show the task in your calendar. When you click on the calendar entry for the task, you can edit it to change the task name and description, or to mark the task as complete.
Watch our how-to video to find out more about adding tasks to the calendar:
Google Team Drive
Early next month, Team Drive will introduce a new role for members of a Team Drive that you wish to be able to manage files, but not manage the Team Drive as a whole by changing settings or membership.
The other roles within Team Drive will be renamed as follows:
New role, Manager (previous role, Full Access)
Managers can view files and add comments, upload new files, edit files, delete files, add members and change team drive settings and permissions.
New role, Content Manager
This new role will be the default for new members added to the team drive. Content Managers will be able to view files and add comments, upload new files, edit files and delete files. They will not be able to add members or change team drive settings and permissions.
New role, Contributor (previous role, Edit Access)
Contributors will be able to view files and add comments, upload new files and edit files, but will not be able to delete files. In addition, they will not be able to add members or change team drive settings and permissions.
New role, Commenter (previous role, Comment Access)
Commenters will be able to view files and add comments. They won’t be able to upload new files, edit or delete files, and also won’t be able to add members or change team drive settings and permissions.
New role, Viewer (previous role, View Access)
Viewers will be able to view files only. They won’t be able to add comments or edit files in any other way, and won’t be able to upload or delete files. In addition, they will not be able to add members or change team drive settings and permissions.
Hangouts Meet
If you have a meeting that you wish to deliver to a large group of people, you can now add live streaming in Hangouts Meet, which up to 100,000 users on your domain can watch. Once live streaming has been added to the meeting, it can be started at any time by meeting participants.
Watch our how-to video to find out more about live streaming in Hangouts Meet.
You can now easily attach Google Drive files to your Google+ posts.
Simply click the Drive icon in the share box of your post and select the desired file, as demonstrated in the following animation.

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